Killers @ Jimmy Kimmel

December 15, 2008 at 7:56 pm (Virgin Music) (, , , )

The Killers played on the Jimmy Kimmel show on 11/24 on their outdoor stage at the back of the theatre. This was the first one I had been to and they did 7 songs, apparently bands don’t usually play that many. The Killers new album Day & Age was released that day so they played 4 songs from it starting with Human which sounded great, then Spaceman, Losing Touch and Neon Tiger. Being release day I had only had the chance to listen to the album a few times before seeing them and to be honest I wasn’t sure if I liked the new songs but they won me over after hearing them live. LA is the Killers biggest market in the US so the crowd was really into it and there were hundreds of people who couldn’t get in that were hanging out on the street in the back. They also played one song from each of their previous releases finishing up with All The Things That I’ve Done. I’ve seen this band a bunch of times over the years and Brandon has always seemed very awkward, I’m happy to report that he finally seems to be comfortable on stage and sounded and looked great (no goofy facial hair).

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